Leadership Team Guide
1. Group Settings
After you are upgraded to "Manager" role, you will be able to see some additional menu items including "Settings"
In the settings area you can change the description, profile image or the standard schedule for your weekly meeting. If you see any HTML code in sthe description, please do not modify.
NOTE: Do not change the Group Name as that will change your Public URL.
2. Add members
Next step is to add members. Click on Members menu from left side. Click "Add New" button and start adding one member at a time. You must include an email and role. An invitation will be sent to the email to create an account on the Chapter Portal. When they click on the invitation, the member will be asked to enter their name and create a password
3. Add a meeting
After adding members, you are done with setting up the group. Now, after a weekly or bi-weekly meeting where members get together to report out various activities including 1-to-1 meetings, leads for other members, and guests invited, you can create a meeting in the Chapter Portal to track all the information.
Click on Meetings on the left menu and add a new meeting. You can also auto-create a batch of meetings in the settings area.
4. Update attendance
For each meeting held, you can use the Chapter Portal to keep track of attendance of members and guests. To do so, click on the meeting you just created in the above step. The first tab you will see is attendance tab.
Click on the "Update Attendance" button at the bottom. You will then see a list of members and a checkbox next to their name. Click on each checkbox to note attendance for each member. If you have many members, you can click the topmost checkbox and it will automtically check everyone.
5. Add guests
If you have guests who attended a meeting, you can add their information. From the meeting page, click on the second tab that says "Guests" and click on "Add New Guest" button at the bottom. A window will pop up where you can add guest information.
You can add as many guest as you want and close the window when done.
You are able to add guests to attendance either from the Guests profile page, or from the attendance for each meeting.
6. Send referrals (or leads)
If members reported out any leads or referrals they gave to others, that information can be captured in the Chapter Portal.
From the meeting details screen, click on the third tab called "Referrals." Click on the "Add New" button at the bottom and you can enter details about the lead.
- Type: You can select "I am sending on behlaf of Group Members" to enter a Referral on behalf of 2 other members
- From: You can select the user who sent you the referral.
- To: You can select the recipient is not on Leads Club Chapter Portal.
- From & To: If it is an outside Referral, you can simply enter an email
In the From & To Dropdown, you will see Alumni and Leads Club listed which you can use to track referrals from past members or Chapter activites such as Mixers and Social media.
7. Report 1-to-1 meetings
When members report out that they had 1-to-1 meeting with other members, you can add this information to the Chapter Portal.
From the meeting details creen, click on the fourth tab called "1-to-1s." Click on the "Add New" button at the bottom and you can enter details about the meeting.
8. Files
You will be able to upload Files for easy access to all members at both the Group level and for each meeting. We recommend you allow presenters to upload any handouts or other materials in the Meeting Files area so members have an archive they can always access.
9. Reports
You will be able to run several different types of reports that will help you manage your chapter.
- Activity Report
- Attendance Report
- Guest Report
- Referrals Report
- Revenue Report